June 24, 2016

MTN WEEKLY 2016 #12

I've been doing a lot of trialling this year, and none of them have really stuck; unfortunately this has included my MTN weekly. So until I pick something up again (and don't worry, it will be very soon), this will be my last MTN weekly post. I've included all the weeks of MTN spreads that I have done but haven't posted on my blog yet, though, so savour it while it lasts!

WEEK 12:

WEEK 13:

WEEK 14:

WEEK 15:

As usual, I've used everything and anything that fitted my spreads, from watercolour to stamps, to cool napkins found at work. There is no shortage of supplies when it comes to building up my MTN spreads.

Hope you've enjoyed my MTN weekly posts in the last few weeks and they've somewhat given you ideas in starting your own. Even though this is the end of my MTN weekly, be sure to stay tuned for upcoming projects!

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